Home #3

Amateur radio station


pHOTO OF g5vz SHACK - RADIOS, fEB 2021
My station is located in Yorkshire in the north east of England – locator IO93ip. I am active mostly on HF and almost exclusively on CW these days.
FISTS CW Club logo


It's the real thing! Morse Code

I was president of EuCW from August 2013 for three years and Activities Manager for FISTS European Chapter around the same time.  I am still an active member of FISTS. (https://fists.co.uk)
While EuCW logoChairman of EuCW I came up with the idea for Snakes and Ladders, an activity rather than a contest, having some unexpected influences on scores. This idea was refined and, after quite a few years now, is still going strong!
I edited several books for G-QRP Club, including the G-QRP Club Antenna Handbook and QRP Club editions of Drew Diamond’s Radio Projects books. (See http://www.gqrp.com/sales.htm)

Navy Flameproof Key
I acquired my Bunnell US Navy Flameproof Key from George Dobbs, G3RJV (SK) when he relocated from Rochdale to Littleborough
Amateur radio has been a feature of my life since I was about 12 years old and I was able to enjoy Solar Cycle 20.  I spent so much time SWLing and in the shack with Bill, G5VZ who first held this call which was first issued in 1933. Just up the road from Bill was Keith, G3OXH (SK) and I was at school with the son of Bob, G3ORC (SK). It was Bob – who was a RN telegraphist – who began my enthusiasm for CW.
I am now enjoying SDR which beats the 500Hz filter in my trusty FT-817, and the Kenwood TS590 narrow Stock photo of Elecraft KX3band options. I had a KX3.  Even now it has a new home, it still holds a very special place in my affections: it did some wonderful things with an AlexLoop!
I now have Sun SDR 2 Pro with an amplifer as my main station rig.  After a short time on the waiting list at the end of 2020, I received a new amplifier two days before Christmas: a Gemini, from Linear Amp UK, thanks to the DX Shop! The followingday a Begali Sculpture Mono arrived.

In early 2021 I added an Icom IC-705 to the line-up. It behaves very well on CW and the receiver is excellent.I also have an Icom IC-7300 which has got me back on 4m although there is so little CW activity on the band at the moment.  For an antenna, I’m using a halo. horiontally polarised on 70MHz.



FISTS 12540
SKCC 4777
G-QRP 11904
QRP ARCI 13207
ISWL G-21224
RNARS 5113
SOC 938
SKCC club logo


RNARS logo